Theoretical Foundation SNN, University of Nijmegen, SN2

RWC Japan


1. The RWCP Theoretical Foundation SNN Laboratory

Research theme: Probabilistic knowledge representation and active decision

The aims of this project are to develop novel theory, techniques and implementations for learning and reasoning in a complex dynamic multi-sensory environment. The approach to reasoning and learning is based on probability theory and Bayesian statistics. It is argued that such an approach is the best way to design systems for reasoning and learning that are capable of reliable and robust performance in complex real-world environments.


Our goals are the development of

Research group members, and their specific interests

Prof. dr. C.C.A.M. Gielen Probabilistic knowledge representation. Continuous learning

dr. H.J. Kappen Probabilistic knowledge representation. Boltzmann Machines

dr. T.M. Heskes Statistical embedding of learning methods, Generalization for perceptron-type neural network. Continuous learning

dr. W.A.J.J. Wiegerinck Target application, medical diagnosis

dr.J.J. Torres Probabilistic knowledge representation. Boltzmann Machines

dr. S. Stroeve Target application. medical diagnosis

A.T. Cemgil, M.Sc. Target application. Bayesian networks

M. Leisink, M.Sc. Probabilistic knowledge representation. Bayesian networks


Theoretical Foundation SNN, ckp1-231,
Geert Grooteplein 21,
6525 EZ Nijmegen,
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 243614245
Fax: +31 243541435

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2. Research Achievements

Our research efforts can be summarized in two main research items and an application domain:

Probabilistic knowledge representation
Traditional rule-based systems based on pure logic are incapable of handling uncertain (imprecise, incomplete or inconsistent) data. The issue is especially problematic for real world computing applications, where complete knowledge is not possible, except in very trivial situations. The probabilistic approach can in principle solve this problem. However, probabilistic methods are usually too slow for practical applications. Thus, the main problem is to design robust systems that are semantically correct and that are computationally efficient. The research aims at design of algorithms to enable learning and reasoning involving up to the order of 1000 variables. This allows for applications which are order of magnitude larger than currently possible. This project addresses essential aspects of Real World Intelligence and is of crucial importance for large scale applications in self-organizing information databases, human-machine dialogue systems, reasoning in large knowledge domains and robotics. We therefore expect that the results will make significant contributions to the results of RWI as a whole. In the last few years we developed several approximate methods for reasoning and learning in probabilistic networks. These methods are based on mean field theory which is a well-known approximation method in statistical physics. Whereas thermodynamical systems are very large (10^23 elements), probabilistic models are more modest and contain maybe up to 10000 elements. These finite size effects cause that correlations must be treated with care and strongly affect the quality of the approximation.

Statistical embedding of learning methods
Neural networks have been applied in many problem domains for regression problems (fitting continuous outputs) and classification tasks (finding the proper class). In several application domains, neural networks regularly outperform competitive algorithms. An often heard disadvantage of neural networks, which seems to hamper their widespread use, is their presumed obscurity. In this research project, we aim to enlighten the neural black box and develop statistical methods for quantifying the confidence of the network solutions. In the last few years we developed robust statistical methods for pruning and weight elimination in neural networks. These methods allow automatic selection of network structure and show improved generalization.

Medical diagnosis
We evaluate in practice the probabilistic and statistical methods. A medical diagnostic system is currently build. The system is based on a probabilistic model and features inference with missing values; reasoning with multiple causes; optimal selection of actions and active decision to assist the diagnostic process. The system is developed and evaluated in close collaboration with the Department of Internal Medicine of the University Hospital Utrecht. The prototype medical diagnostic system will be evaluated by target users, such as physicians. The system consists currently of 100 variables. Preliminary evaluation shows that this approach is received with enthousiasm by the medical experts in the Netherlands.

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3. Recent publications

Probabilistic knowledge representation

D. Barber and P. van de Laar,
Variational Cumulant Expansions for Intractable Distributions,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 10, pp. 435-455, 1999.

Barber, D. and Wiegerinck, W.
Tractable Variational Structures for Approximating Graphical Models,
Advances in Neural Information Processing (NIPS) 11 , eds. Kearns, M., Solla, S., and Cohn, D., pp. 183-189, 1999.

Barber, D. and Wiegerinck, W.
Tractable Undirected Approximations for Graphical Models,
ICANN 98, eds. Niklasson, Boden, and Ziemke pp. 93-98. 1998.

Kappen, H. and Paco Rodriguez, P.
Efficient learning in Boltzmann Machines using linear response theory,
Neural Computation 10, pp. 1137-1156, 1998.

H. J. Kappen and F. B. Rodriguez,
Mean field approach to learning in Boltzmann Machines,
Pattern Recogntion Letters 18, pp. 1317-1322, 1997

S. Akaho and H.J. Kappen
" Nonmonotonic generalization bias of gaussian mixture models,"
Neural Computation Accepted.

Wiegerinck, W. and Kappen, H.
Approximations of Bayesian networks through KL minimisation,
New Generation Computing, (in press).

Statistical embedding of learning methods

Tom Heskes
Balancing between bagging and bumping,
Advances in Neural Information Processing (NIPS) 9, eds. Mozer, M., Jordan, M. and Petsche. T., pp. 466-472, 1997.

Tom Heskes
Practical confidence and prediction intervals,
Advances in Neural Information Processing (NIPS) 9, eds. Mozer, M., Jordan, M. and Petsche. T., pp. 176-182, 1997.

Piërre van de Laar and Tom Heskes
Input selection based on an ensemble,
Neurocomputing, (in press).

Piërre van de Laar, Tom Heskes, and Stan Gielen,
Partial Retraining: A new approach to input relevance determination. ,
International Journal of Neural Systems 9, pp. 75-85, 1999.

Piërre van de and Tom Heskes
Pruning using parameter and neuronal metrics,
Neural Computation, 11, pp. 977-993, 1999.

Piërre van de Laar, Stan Gielen, and Tom Heskes
Input selection with partial retraining,
In: Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN'97, eds. Gerstner, W., Germond, A., Hasler, M. and Nicoud, J., pp. 469-474, 1997.

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