Stimulation Initiative for European Neural Applications

Esprit Project 9811

Case Studies of Successful Applications

Monitoring of Water Dam

Company background

Tauernkrafwerke AG, located in Salzburg, is Austrias largest provider of hydro dam generated electrical energy.

The problem

A water dam is a subject to deformation due to various influences inculding the height of the water level and temperature. In order to assess the security of the dam, it is important to model the displacement of the dam and to monitor the deformation by comparing measured data to the model. In case of significant differences between measured and modelled displacement, an investigation of the dam has to be carried out.

Neural network application

The objective of this project has been to develop a model to predict the deformation on the basis of a neural network. Influencing factors in the modelling of the dam-displacement such as the time of measurement , water-level, and air temperature have been taken into consideration.


The neural network method provides a significant improvement in the forecast compared to conventional statistic approaches (e.g. multiple regression). Depending on the forecast period, the absolute error for the neural network forecast model lies between 0.1 % and 1.0%. In comparison, the conventional multiple regression based model achieves absolute errors of 2% - 3%. The neural network method supplies a precise forecast which reduces unnecessary investigations of the dam and thereby reduces operational costs.


The feature of this application is the use of neural networks for forecasting purposes in fields where conventional statistic approaches achieve only insufficient results.

Contact person

Tauernkraft AG - Walter Köhler. Postfach 161, Rainerstraße 29, A-5021 Salzburg, Austria. Fax: +43 662 88 950 63.